
Newsletter of the Denton Area Emmaus Community

From the Community Lay Director



I pray that everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a special time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We all look forward to a happy and prosperous 2002.
Last year was full of mountaintops and valleys. The world changed a lot right before our eyes. The world seems to be confused about the difference between right and wrong, and what is good and what is evil. That's why Christian witness is needed in the world now more than at any other time in most of our lifetimes. And as we know, the Walk to Emmaus is an important tool for encouraging and focusing Christians in doing his work here.
As we continue on our journey and work together as  a Community of Faith, we should realize that the more people we include in our Walks and Gatherings, the  better and stronger our community will become. Extend an invitation to someone who hasn't been to one of the Gatherings lately to come join you. Let's get all the people we can   to join this Community and help it grow and become stronger.  Remember is may be just as    important for

someone to see you at a function as it is for you to be there.
February and March will be very busy Emmaus months. Our first walks, February 7-10 (Men's), and March 14-17 (Women's), need Pilgrims!
If you have already agreed to sponsor someone, we need your Pilgrims' applications sent to the registrar as soon as possible. Never assume walks are full. If you are on the team, get a friend to help you sponsor someone. God is the chief registrar, so let's let Him be in charge of the timing. Second, we need people to dedicate themselves in advance  to work behind the scenes. Third, remember the need for agape.
Is there something you can do that will help to impact someone else's life? Can you contribute more to the Journey? Of course you can, we all can! 



Barbara Carruth
Community Lay Director

Walk #1

and Walk #2
are right around the

Get your apps. turned in ASAP!!