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Update Your DAEC Data

Check the web site over the next few days if you have not signed up for the newsletter notification list! We will be posting directions as to how to update your contact information, service etc.  This new information will ensure all of us that your information is correct. If you want to be a member of the Denton Area Emmaus Community, then we need your information in our new database. We will be sending a notice to all who have subscribed to the newsletter notification list, so if you haven't subscribed to that list, please do so. We want everyone who is a member to have their current information available for team service and news about the community.  Here's our website address...



May Gathering
May 18th at 7:00 PM
FUMC Denton

Training Day
Saturday, June 29th
9 AM to 12 Noon
Lake Cities UMC

Men's Walk #3
Sept. 5-8
Lake Sharon

Women's Walk #4
Sept. 26-29
Lake Sharon

Check it out!

The measure of greatness in the Kingdom of God differs vastly from that of the world. Our society idolizes the rich, the powerful, the beautiful, and the athletic. The world claims it is demeaning to serve others. However God's kingdom completely rejects the worlds measure for esteem, giving the greater honor to the one who serves most. The person who serves selflessly, lovingly, without complaint, and without seeking recognition is highly regarded in the kingdom of God.

This is what the Servant Teams are about. We all know that the Walk to Emmaus could not be performed without the dedicated anonymous service of both the On-Site Servant Team and the Outside Servant Team.

These teams are lead by a former Lay Director and are made up of persons both new and experienced in the Community. Most persons serving on a Servant team would be those who are interested in participating on an inside team at some time in the future. This is one of the designated avenues of "Progressive Servanthood" that is the ideal of the model for the Walk to Emmaus. Servant Teams are the beginning of Team service that  includes progressively, Assistant Table Leader, Table Leader, Assistant Lay Director and Lay Director.

Currently, Servant Teams are being established for Denton Walks #3 and #4. If you   are interested in serving on one of these teams, please call me at 972-625-2845 or e-mail me at

Steve Hines
Dallas Emmaus Walk #27
Table of John

"For who is greater,
he who sits at the
table, or he
who serves?
Is it not he who
sits at the table?
Yet I am among
you as one
who serves."

Luke 22:27

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