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Saturday, June 29th
9 AM to 12 Noon
At Lake Cities UMC.

Please come if you want to be a part of our upcoming teams!


"Music 101" Training
Dallas & Denton
are invited!

Sunday, June 30th
2 PM to 4 PM
Northway Christian Church in Dallas

All musicians
are welcome!


Remember the beautiful talk banners that you saw on your walk or when you worked on a team? We would like to have those for our pilgrims in September. So far, we have only five of our own.  The Dallas Community was kind enough to lend us theirs for Walks 1 & 2, but we need to make our own. Banners are not "required," but do make a beautiful addition and help keep the title of the talk in the minds of the pilgrims.

If you can help, please contact
Debbie Zinser at 972-539-2715 or

Upcoming Walk Dates…2002 and 2003!

We had very successful "first" walks!  Denton Area #1 & 2 were awesome! The Steering Committee would like to thank all the sponsors for the very evident "good sponsorship." The weekends were fun and spirit-filled. Let us continue to be the hands and feet of Christ.

Our September Walks are scheduled for September 5-8 (Men's) and September 26-29 (Women's). Think about someone you may want to sponsor and send in those applications. If you need an application, it can be downloaded from the website, or contact Kathy Faulkenberry, Registration, at 972-539-6939.

Our Walks for 2003 have also been scheduled. 
They are as follows:

2003 Walks

Men's  #5 Feb. 6-9 Women's #6 Mar. 13-16
Men's #7 June 26-29 Women's #8 July 10-13
Men's #9 Sept. 25-28 Women's #10 Oct. 9-12

...to send in
your ballot
for the new
Denton Area
Emmaus Board!

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